Opeartion School Bell volunteers at WalMart (2018)

BLOG POSTS: Making A Difference | Our member volunteers reaching out into the community.

Operation School Bell

Operation School Bell

Operation School Bell® provides new school clothing for elementary, middle and some High School children in Title I schools as identified by the Hawaii State Department of Education and school personnel.

Operation Wildlife

Operation Wildlife

We teach fourth grade students about endangered species and preservation for the future, and include an extensive exhibit of real animal “biofacts”.

We Care

We Care Malama Bears

Humanitarian needs are met for all age groups through the We Care Program. Teddy bears are given to various organizations who in turn give them to children in hospital emergency rooms and hospice centers.



Our Share Program distributes items donated to Assistance League of Hawaii that are unsellable in the Thrift Shop to other nonprofit agencies.


Assistance League Outreach 1-2021

When an emergency strikes, it’s time to activate our Outreach volunteers. We do a one time service to help organizations shortly after the crisis.

OSB Literacy

School clip art

Assistance League of Hawaii volunteer tutors assist children to become independent readers and to find joy in recreational reading.