Celebrating 89 Years of Service in Santa Ana!
About Us
Assistance League of Santa Ana serves the unique needs and challenges of students, children, families and seniors in Santa Ana. Our services are locally designed, funded, organized and carried out to fit these needs. As one of National Assistance League’s 120 Chapters, Assistance League of Santa Ana members are incredibly generous and imaginative. Each one is highly motivated to effect change in Santa Ana. Each one has the spirit to get the job done, whatever it is and whatever it takes. We function to the best standards of nonprofit governance.
We are dedicated to making local lives better.

Honored by City Leaders: Championing Santa Ana’s Most Vulnerable
Assistance League of Santa Ana was recognized in 2022 by Santa Ana City Councilmember Penaloza and Mayor Vicente Sarmiento for their its exceptional programs serving the City’s poorest population.
Assistance League of Santa Ana members are available to conduct tours of our facilities for you or your organization and explain how our various programs create a better community. Call (714) 664-0547 for information.
Contact Us
Assistance League of Santa Ana
1037 W. First Street, Santa Ana, CA 92703-3925
(714) 664-0547 – Office
(714) 543-1120 – Thrift Shop
(714) 835-6727 – Dental Center
Quick Links
Assistance League Santa Ana 2024-2025 Board of Directors

Judi Fine

Linda Chapel
1st Vice President, Membership

Kay Housley
2nd Vice President, Philanthropy

Priscilla Cloud
3rd Vice President, Resource Development

Claudia Ramirez

Gayle McLean

Karol Goldsmith
Strategic Planning Chair

Lewis Bratcher
Education Chair

Miriam Garcia
Public Relations Chair

Sylvina May
Assisteens Chair