Operation School Bell is our signature program that began in 1987. This program provides new school clothing to students in need. Students are referred through schools in the High Desert (TK – 12th grade) to attend one of our shopping events at Victor Valley’s retail stores. Volunteer members assist students and parents in the selection of school-appropriate clothing.
We know that if properly clothed, and with a sense of pride in their appearance, students attend school with anticipation, improved attendance, higher academic performance, and enhanced interaction with peers and staff.
The Beginning — Operation School Bell began in 1987 providing new school clothes to 214 students. Over the years, children from kindergarten through sixth grade have come with their parents to the Assistance League of Victor Valley Operation School Bell office and received two complete sets of school clothes and a winter coat from caring member volunteers.
Result — Since the Operation School Bell program began, over 36,000 local children have received school clothing. We now average 1,400 students and 20 clothing events per year.
In 2023-2024 , we helped serve 1,253 students during 18 shopping events at Target in Apple Valley and JCPenney’s at the Mall of Victor Valley. We had 18 clothing events. 764 students attended the JCPenney’s events at the Mall of Victor Valley. Slots throughout the high desert school districts were equitably distributed base on economic data provided by the state. All 81 high desert schools attended events.
This year the money each student received to spend on school appropriate clothing was increased by $25. Students in grades TK through 5th were given $125, and students in grades 7th through 12th were given $150.
Included in this year’s totals are the 75 coats we purchased and delivered to the most disadvantaged schools in the High Desert.
Operation School Bell participated in the Adelanto Elementary School District Fair in July, by distributing shoes donated by another organization to students who attended. Thirty pairs of shoes were ordered for the AESD Family Resource Center in May.
We also participated in the Apple Valley Unified School District “Day of the Child” in April.
Once again in September, Trinity Lutheran Church donated over 150 backpacks to Operation School Bell. We filled them with school supplies and distributed them to various schools throughout the Victor Valley.
After a special request from Maple Elementary in Hesperia USD was received, $100 of underwear were delivered.
Today — Students from grade K – 12 attend shopping events at local department stores where they choose their own school-appropriate clothing, with the help of their parents and Assistance League of Victor Valley member volunteers. Each of the 18 events in 2023-2024 required at least 10 volunteers to help families shop, verify the total of their purchases, and assist with checkout. Volunteers worked over 800 hours total during all events this year. Our Assisteens were also working hard volunteering their time assembling over 1,000 grooming kits that were given to the students receiving clothing at the events. Assisteens also worked at several clothing events alongside our Members!
Operation School Bell by the numbers –
$173,942 Spent
1253 Students
Over 800 Volunteer Hours
Districts/Number of Schools involved – Total 81 Schools
- Adelanto Elementary School District – 14
- Apple Valley Unified School District – 13
- Helendale School District – 2
- Hesperia Unified School District – 23
- Lucerne Valley Unified School District – 2
- Oro Grande School District/Riverside Prep – 2
- Victor Elementary School District – 17
- Victor Valley Unified High School District – 8
- Surveys were sent to all school districts in the Victor Valley requesting feedback on the Operation School Bell program. Over 90 responses were received from teachers throughout the Victor Valley, and the results reported were amazing:
- Observed change in classroom behavior: 19.8% significant positive change and 60.4% positive change.
- Observed change in student confidence: 24.2% significant positive change and 60.4% positive change.
- Observed change in level of engagement with peers/school activities: 22% significant change and 60.4% positive change.
Operation School Bell resulted in an 82% positive impact on high desert students!
The goal of Operation School Bell is to help school age children succeed in school by providing new school clothing, health assistance, literacy programs, cultural and higher educational enrichment and to also address hunger problems. Assistance League of Victor Valley will continue to address all the five points of the star as shown in the Operation School Bell Star.
Operation School Bell – Hunger
- The budget for purchasing food for the school districts’ food pantries was $15,000 and we planned on serving five districts at $3,500 each. With two districts not returning calls, we ended up supporting Apple Valley USD, Victor Elementary SD, and Hesperia USD.
- 720 individuals were served based on items and quantities ordered and included breakfast, lunch, and snack items. The Family Resource directors in each district were incredibly grateful for our assistance in providing for their families.
Kids Selecting New School Clothes
Volunteer Helpers
Future — Our goal is to continue providing school clothes to a larger number of K-12th grade students.
This is where our “Sock It To ‘Em” fundraising campaign invites you to be part of this great program. It takes $125 to $150 clothe one child. Your tax-deductible contribution, small or large, makes it possible.
Campaign Runs August 1st through December 31st!
Contact Us
Operation School Bell
(760) 961-2468