Assisteens® Auxiliary

Assisteens Auxiliary provides community volunteer opportunities for approximately 100 young people in grades 9 through 12.  Its goals are to develop a sense of community responsibility, self-reliance, personal responsibility, poise, and public speaking and leadership skills.

Assisteens members provide over 4,000 hours of service to the Long Beach community each year. Backpacks are filled with toiletries for school children, and during the holidays Assisteens host an annual canned food drive for the Long Beach Food Bank.  Blankets and dog treats are made and distributed to local animal shelters. Assisteens also volunteer at a local retirement community  where they help the residents with computer skills, play games and paint fingernails.  Assisteens work side-by-side with chapter members at the Thrift & Vintage Shop. Assisteens also participate in other fundraising events for the chapter such as the Holiday Pop-Up and CAMEO Fashion Show.

Members meet once a month on a Sunday afternoon at the Philanthropic Center.  Several times a year, guest speakers are invited to present topics of interest.  Social and fundraising events are held throughout the year.  Senior Recognition, Summer Social, and Parent/Assisteens Game Night are just a few of our fun events.  We encourage parent participation in all our programs.

Because of the number of programs and activities, there are many opportunities to develop leadership skills and receive training that will benefit members for a lifetime.  The annual Assisteens Conference held each summer gives members an opportunity for additional training and the chance to meet other Assisteens from across the United States.

One Assisteens graduate says, “I was able to develop skills that would help me throughout high school, college, and eventually in law school.” Another says, “Assisteens taught me the importance of philanthropy and proved that it is and can always be a rewarding, fun time.”

For more information, please call Assistance League of Long Beach at (562) 627-5650 or email

Assisteens Governing Body
Officers and Chairs


  Assisteens Coordinator

    Ms. Gail Meredith



Assisteens Auxiliary Chair

  Andi Hollister

  First Auxiliary Vice Chair, Philanthropic Programs

    Juliet Nelligan

Second Auxiliary Vice Chair, Membership

    Madison Mansour

Third Auxiliary Vice Chair, Public Relations

    Keira Dawson


    Noah Chun

Auxiliary Assistant Treasurer

    Lyla Jordan

  Operation School Bell®

  Lily Carson

Helping Hands

    Jillian Muller

Feasts of the Hearts

    Audrey Kovacs



Appointive Standing Committee Chairs


    Jillian Miller

Cards and Crafts

    Emmie Chun

Patriots Program


Ronald McDonald House

    Audrey Kovacs

  Thrift & Vintage Shop

    Sammie Mitchell

  Tote Bags

    Joy Erkman

How To Join Assisteens

If you would like to join our enthusiastic Assisteens group or know someone who would like to join, please contact Assisteens Coordinator, Gail Meredith, at (562) 627-5650 or

If you are unable to reach Ms. Whelan, please contact our Assistance League of Long Beach chapter office.